Friday, June 18, 2010

So any way my hair used to be long but I cut it short so I'm hiding it under my hood?

I'm talking Just a bit below my ears short, and in a minute I have to take my hood off For the pledge I'm so terrified never mind It just happened. I'm still terrified of the rest of the day. I've never done this before. my hairs always been down to the middle of my back this is really darastic for me so give me your comments on this please

So any way my hair used to be long but I cut it short so I'm hiding it under my hood?

You should not be concerned. If its peoples reactions you are worried about..just tell them you made a daring rescue to retrieve a dog from a burning house and the ends of your hair got burned so you had to cut it. It they still insist on giving you a negative vibe, Drop kick them in the face.

**Girls with shorter hair are a real turn on (especially when it comes just below the ears)

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