Friday, June 18, 2010

How to convince my parents to let me cut my hair?

Ok. I have like really long hair and its like all the way to my waist thats how long it is and i really want to cut it and my family is always saying no don't cut your hair u look beautiful with it. But 1 time i was talking to me mom and i asked her when my hair grows longer then my butt can i cut it and she said yea but it is gonna be like in 4 or 5 months maybe...So anyways there is this holiday which is only for women and girl so i was thinking for my present for that holiday i could cut my hair but im not sure my mom is gonna say yes. And im dieing to cut my hair. Someone pleaseee help me thnx : ]

How to convince my parents to let me cut my hair?

Hey! Ok. So you definitely need to talk with your parents about the situation. It may just be hair, but they are keeping you from being you! The only reason you still have your hair long is because they WANT you to. You need to talk with your parents and explain, in the nicest way you can, that you are tired of the long hair, its not what you want or like, the only reason you have kept it long is because you've had to, etc... Tell them you can donate it to Locks of Love! You can definitely do this at practically any salon. They donate that hair and tons of hair from other people and turn it into hair for people who don't have hair, such as people who have suffered or are suffering from cancer.

Let your parents know that you want your own style, something cute but easy to manage. Shorter hair is definitely easier to take care of than longer hair. Less hair to wash, less hair to brush, less hair to pull out of your face, etc...

Just tell them kindly how you feel. Its as simple as that.

If, after your discussion, they still won't let you, then don't fight it. You've done all you can and there is no sense in getting in a fight with your parents about it.

WHATEVER you do, DO NOT cut it without your parent's permission. Sure, there isnt' anything they can do about it afterwards, but in doing so, you are challenging their authority and are being disrespectful towards them. The fact that you would have to do it in secret should bring up red flags to you. Your parents are here as people to love you, care for you, and guide you. We shouldn't just diss our parents and their authority. Its their job to take care of us and raise us the best they can. When we rebel against that, we aren't exactly making their job any easier. If they let you get your hair cut, great! If not, just wait it out and try again another time. Its just hair, no big deal. Besides, if they don't let you cut it now, your mom did say you could cut it later. Don't fret. :)

Good luck and Hope this helps! :)

How to convince my parents to let me cut my hair?

You could put of a good argument about the difficulties of having long hair.

For example, long hair gets in the way during sports, activities, etc, even when it's tied back.

How to convince my parents to let me cut my hair?

if your thinking to cut like 10inches you can donate your hair to locks of love, and its an organization that uses the hair to make hair pieces for children with cancer. its a great cause. i work in a childrens hospital on the cancer floor, and many of them dont have hair. All the little girls would love it. Just something to think about. If your mom still says no then say/ or show her what your hair could do. good luck. heres the website for information

How to convince my parents to let me cut my hair?


PLEASE, only do this as a last resort. You sound desperate, ;'(. You could (a) sneak out to get your hair cut, like, layer it to make it feel a bit lighter and get a trim, or (b) cut it yourself. If you don't trust yourself, don't go with (b).

Good luck!!

How to convince my parents to let me cut my hair?

wow this is easy

go and get it cut without your mom knowing then when she see's it

it will be over with

she couldn't do anything about it

How to convince my parents to let me cut my hair?

You are so blessed to have this hair. If you are going totally crazy.... ask for a TRIM for the first time! Hair like yours is a treasure!

How to convince my parents to let me cut my hair?

How old are you?

Well, I don't know how your parents are, but in the future, when you want to do something, don't tell anyone. Just do it. That way , you are not disobeying them, because they never told you that you couldn't.

In the case of your hair, you can always have an "accident" that forces you to get a proper spilling automotive paint on it, or open flames, drill press, lawnmower, you get the idea. "Mommy, look, i got the last 8 inches of my hair caught in the stove! Now I have to cut it to make it even!"

That being said, many chix can never grow back the beautiful long hair of their youth, even when they are teenagers. My ex had hair like yours, and she was convinced to cut it. It never grew past shoulder length after that.

Good luck.

How to convince my parents to let me cut my hair?

You can sell your hair at:


  1. I want to have long hair but my parents would not let me have it. You should be thankful at least. I am a girl but I have hair that is just directly in the middle of my ears. I tried to talk to my parents about that but they insisted that if I have long hair, I will get a boyfriend in no time for sure. I don't understand. I do not look that pretty anyways, there are a bunch of girls in the school that are much prettier than I am. Why would the boys even bother to get me as a girlfriend? So maybe you could help me instead to convince my parents to have longer hair(just until my neck at least) I don't ask for that much. But I tried talking to my parents about that, they probably did not know that I am bullied in school because of this. They did not believe that I am bullied. But you should give it a try. Try telling them about how uncomfortable your long hair is making you and stuff. Or else a little(just a little) trimming day by day secretly would do (but please make sure you cut them neatly. Good luck. BTW, tell your parents that long hair might not be good for your health...

  2. I want a middium haor i tried to convince my parents a lottttt but she never convinced i tried !y best manyy times since 10yeare but then lso...

  3. hello i have been wanting to cut my hair for ages now, i keep on asking my mother and she still says no. I have changed style with my hair and clothes. I feel my hair needs a change. And last time i got my hair cut was probably months ago! I really dont feel me now because of my hair, and I want to change that! Please reply to me with your best advice.


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