Friday, June 18, 2010

What is up with guys and long hair?

Recently, I've thought to get my hair cut- for no particular reason except that it's very long, down to my waist now- and when I mentioned the idea to a few guy friends, they all told me not to. That they liked my hair long.

So, what is it with guys and long hair? Do a lot of guys feel the same?

What is up with guys and long hair?

MOST men - probablly in the 90%+ range like long hair on a woman. It has something to do with the whole masculine thing - if your hair is short, it makes them feel like they are with a dude - for some weird reason. they want their women to be very girlie - nice hair, nails, clothes, smell, etc.....

What is up with guys and long hair?

depends, not 2 long tho, but not a skinhead lol

What is up with guys and long hair?

because men love sexy long hair, most of them. Its feminine and sultry.

What is up with guys and long hair?

i am not a guy but i would advice u not to cut long hair either. it is very hard to grow hair long older u become. so u think twice - if u cut your hair now u might not be able to grow it back again, cos older u get slower it grows. for instance i am 37 and since i was 30 i still have hair the same length - medium. they just wouldn't grow any longer any more

What is up with guys and long hair?

Go cut it and donate your tresses to Locks Of Love. Pick a hair style that you are comfortable with. You guy friends will get over it. I had long hair that I grew just so someone with cancer can have hair. My female friends were in love with my hair, but I felt somebody else had more need for it.

What is up with guys and long hair?

long hair is just hotter %26amp; sexier

What is up with guys and long hair?

i believe that alot of guys do feel that way, last summer i was going to cut my hair when my BF asked me not too, he said women look better with long hair, he also said he doesn't date guys........LMAO

What is up with guys and long hair?

Most men like long hair they tend to classify it as feminine. I've had a couple of honest guys say they like the way if feels, that it adds to their enjoyment of the experience.

What is up with guys and long hair?


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