Friday, June 18, 2010

Does growing your hair long make you go bald?

my barber told me that if your hair is long, it makes more stress on the root from the weight and they get pulled out easier.I asked why I was losing about 50 hairs a day, he said that is why, and if i got it cut shorter it would be that true?

Does growing your hair long make you go bald?

I don't think that is true.On another note why not just tell your barber that you looked into it and let him know that he was wrong, instead of just firing him for making a simple mistake.I found that good shampoos and conditioners help your hair more.Also, we might be surprised to know how many women actually go bald.

Does growing your hair long make you go bald?

no no its a wrong logic.

Does growing your hair long make you go bald?


Does growing your hair long make you go bald?

No Way-baldness starts at the root not ends

Does growing your hair long make you go bald?

Find a different barber. There is no truth to that. If it was, then there would be a whole lot more bald women than there are.

Loosing some hair daily is normal and stress can make your hair fall out. Using the wrong products can make your hair fall out and so can age, but the weight of your hair won't make it fall out.

Does growing your hair long make you go bald?

No no way. Losing 100 hairs a day is normal fall out for human hair.

Does growing your hair long make you go bald?

No - your mom makes you bald. Its the mothers gene that children inherit.

Does growing your hair long make you go bald?

No. Change barbers. Up to 75 hairs a day lost is normal. Hair loss is usually due to male hormones. Bald men tend to have higher testosterone levels.Sounds like he just wants to increase his business. He as a real barber should know better. Other causes of hair loss include but are not limited to: chemotherapy, radiation, severe protein deficiency, genetic disorder known as alopecia totalis (all the hair on the body is lost) and severe 3-4 degree burns. Keep your locks.

Does growing your hair long make you go bald?

Think i would get a new barber.My hair used to be to my waist for years.You don't lose any more hair then you do with short hair you just notice it more cause it's long.I'm going on ,well i'll say getting up there.And my hair is still pretty full and very little gray.I beleive it depends on your jeans.No not your wranglers.

Does growing your hair long make you go bald?


Does growing your hair long make you go bald?

No, I don't think so. Everyone loses some hair everyday. Also, we grow new hair everyday.

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