Sunday, November 29, 2009

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

I brush him every day but I started noticing them the begging of the month i couldnt brush them out. Then I tryed to cut them off but that made it worse HELP!!! what should I do???

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

Get your cat professionally groomed.

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

its called matted fur.....ummm juss brush them out take ur time....i had a cat like that....we shaved her thoo...we got her n she was abused never taken care of her fur grew back long n beautiful...good luck

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

call your local groomer and get it taken care of. poor kitty is prolly not comfy with dreads.

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

bruching them out shouldnt make it worse. id get him shaved once so his hair is about an inch long, then keep brushing him everyday. matted hair is no good.

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

If you cut them off close enough to the skin you can untangle the rest.

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

Use an electric razor and keep brushing daily.

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

yeah it happens to my cat all the time even though we brush her. Its super important to take the cat to the groomer because the matted fur can pull on their skin and it can be really painful. They will probably shave the cat they wont shave it completly just short enough for the knots to come out but it always grows back and for some reason my cat loves having short hair.

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

groomer duuuuhh

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

If you cannot afford it or don't want the cat professionally groomed, try using some cornstartch into it and try to come out those mats and snip them out if you cannot comb through them. If this becomes severe or daunting, professional grooming is a must.

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

i wouldnt be suprised to see your cat having a baggie of cat nip, since hes a rasta and all.

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

If you can afford to it may be an idea to have him groomed professionally just the once then you can keep on top of it. I know it is a different animal but my bunny got in a mess and I got him properly groomed and now it is easier to groom him. Hope this is helpful to you

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

get a professional to do it

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

You need to get him professionally groomed or call your vet. You shouldnt try to cut or comb the mats since this can cause an injury.

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

Keep doing:


Start doing:

Bath every 1 - 5 months


Being shaved (not totally shaved)

Call the groomer

My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

Long hair cats should be groomed professionally on a regular basis...about once every 3 months or so.

I have a lilac point Himalayan and she gets groomed 4 times a year. I brush her every day. She still gets mats now and then. When she goes to the groomer, she gets bathed, blown dry, brushed out, gets her belly shaved, has a sanitary shave, has the fur trimmed off her paws and gets her claws clipped. She handles it like a champ...she's used to it.

Long hair cats require a lot of time and attention. Call a groomer and make an appointment. If your cat is really matted, then the cat may need to be sedated for the procedure. Talk to your vet about a recommendation and whether or not he thinks sedation would be a good idea. Removing mats can be painful for the cat so shaving is sometimes the best option. The cat won't be put under but would be given a mild sedative to relax the cat and make him not care so much.


My long hair cat hair dreadlocks??

rock the locks, kitty cat!

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